"It's a bad recession." "There are no jobs out there." "Companies are firing and not hiring."
After chatting with many job seekers during this time, this is what I've heard from the majority of people. You are probably thinking some of these same thoughts as you are reading this article right now.
Many people fall into a false belief that they don’t deserve to be employed. They may feel that because the economy is rough, there’s no point in trying to find a job.
While this is the mindset for most people, it doesn't need to be true for you. If you want better job search results, now is the time to change your mentality and focus on building a new, stronger one.
The news and media focus heavily on all the problems and negatives that are going on in the economy, but they rarely focus on the opportunities. However, a recent U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report found that 528,000 new jobs were created between July and August 2022—more than doubling the 250,000 projected.
Shift your focus to the good things that are happening and disregard everything else—what your friends are saying, the news and social media. Don't listen to any of that. As they say, you don't ask a farmer for advice on how to become an astronaut, you go and ask an astronaut.
Especially in these times, you need to be an optimist at the highest level.
Now after shifting your mindset, let's talk about the step-by-step plan to apply to these new jobs that are appearing.
The steps that I always talk about in my coaching programs and books are the following:
1. Mindset
2. Branding
3. Networking
4. Interview prep
I broke down these four steps in a previous article; with them, you have a full action plan to start implementing right away.
With determination and perseverance, I believe anyone can find gainful employment—no matter the state of the economy.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
Update your résumé and reiterate your employment goals.
Employers are looking for people with specific goals and ambitions related to the job. If you’re currently unemployed, take the time to reiterate your employment goals and make them specific. For example: Instead of “I want to work in marketing,” say, “I’d like to work in brand management for a company that specializes in products for children.” This means that you are phasing out the jobs that you don't like and will probably quit in the future. Most people take any random job, and that is a formula for unhappiness in the long term. You will probably quit early on and start looking for something else.
Network, network, network.
About 80% of jobs are landed through networking. In the article I referenced earlier, I talked about the strategy of how to connect with recruiters and hiring managers effectively. In addition to that, you should be networking at least once a week as a job seeker. The first place to dig in is your personal network; go through your phone contacts and message everyone you believe might help you in the job search. Friends, coworkers, neighbors, gym friends, community friends—go all out and message everyone. You might meet a person who has a friend who is hiring or a connection who can give you a referral. Another great way to network is to use social media. Join groups and attend meetups in your area.
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