How to Change Your Career
Monday, January 4, 2021
Lockdown has given many people the time they might not ordinarily have had to take stock and think about where they are in their lives and whether their careers are making them happy.
The prospect of a career change, particularly in an economy riddled with uncertainty, can be daunting, and switching jobs is never a decision that should be taken lightly. However, despite the temporary disruption and nerve-wracking first few weeks, in the long-term, it could be the most rewarding thing you do.
Before you make such a big decision, you must weigh up the pros and cons, think realistically about the careers you have the skills and experience to do and consider when the right time to make the move might be.
When is the right time for a career change?
There are lots of different reasons why people seek a career change. You might want more money, less stress or more flexible hours, or perhaps you’ve always dreamed of running your own business or turning a hobby into a career. Whatever the motivation for your career change, there are a few telltale signs that will indicate when the time is right.
- Your job is impacting your self-esteem
A fulfilling career should provide a boost to your confidence and self-esteem and not make you doubt yourself or the work you do. Enduring a toxic workplace culture or a career you no longer enjoy can grind you down and impact on your long-term physical and mental health. If that’s how you feel, then it’s time to get out now!
- You’re only in it for the money
Working in a job that you hate but which pays well is not worth the payoff. A career change could give you the chance to land a job that brings you personal and professional satisfaction but still pays the bills. If you get the ‘Sunday night dread’ or have to buy yourself nice things to compensate for the pain of your working life, you need to make your move.
- You’re eternally bored
No one leaps out of bed in a desperate rush to get to work every day. We all have days when we feel de-energised and lack the will and enthusiasm to be at the top of our game. However, if you feel like that all the time, then you have a problem. If every aspect of your job is mind-numbingly dull, you know it’s time to make a change.
The pros and cons of a career change
A recent survey of career changers, carried out by Joblist, found that those who had switched jobs were overwhelmingly happy with their decision. Those who took the plunge expressed a range of positive outcomes, including:
- Happier - 77 per cent
- More satisfied - 75 per cent
- More fulfilled - 69 per cent
- Less stressed - 65 per cent
In fact, 80 per cent of the survey respondents said they wish they had made the change sooner. However, that’s not to say that everyone who changes their careers is happy with their decision. When asked whether they’d make the switch again, 75 per cent said they would, 13 per cent said they were unsure and 12 per cent said no...
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